Sunday, May 24, 2009

Nadia's Blog

Where I’m From…

I’m from Mr. Muggs and Dr. Seuss.
I learned to read and wanted a dog of my own.
Red fish, blue fish, old fish, new fish
My parents didn’t want a dog so I got a goldfish instead.

I’m from ordered, balanced and structured. I’m from “Eat your vegetables and do well in school so you can get a good job.” I’m from “Always be home in time for dinner and don’t stay out too late.” I’m from “Never buy anything unless you have the cash to pay for it.”

I’m from always living vicariously through my books.
I’m from Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks so independent and adventurous.
I’m from Snow White and Cinderella being rescued by a handsome prince.
I’m from Nancy Drew travelling the world and solving mysteries.
I’m from Romeo and Juliet and their forbidden and rebellious relationship.
I’m from wherever my books would take me.


  1. Thanks for sharing your personal connection with a great range of memorable books! More than a few that you mentioned were also some of my favourites growing up (Mr.Muggs, Dr.Seuss, Nancy Drew)....
    Reading a book can take you to many exciting places, and it is evident in your poem that you have a great love of books, and are cognizant of the joy that they have brought you :)

  2. I am with you! Books are friends who have been great places and will take you there! I worry that my students sometimes don't feel that way.
